affordable plush carpet for living rooms -Tarkett Johnsonite Cove Base Tightlock Carpet 3.25" Wide

Color Sandalwood Almond Antique White Bedrock Beige Black Black Pearl Blue Intensity Blue Jeans Blue Lagoon Bone White Boxwood Brass Brown Burgundy Burnt Umber Canary Castaway Cement Charcoal Cinnamon Clay Colonial Grey Cool Metal Cotton Dark Brown Dockside Dover Dream Teal Drizzle Either Ore Espresso Fawn Flame Fudge Ganache Gateway Gecko Glenhaven Grapest Green Smoke Green Vista Grey Grey Haze Grinch Grizzly Grounded Harbour Hot Spice Hunter Green Icicle Iguana Indigo Inkwell Iron Mountain Ironstone

Tarkett Johnsonite Cove Base Tightlock Carpet 3.25" Wide

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Tightlock Carpet:

Upgrade your commercial flooring with TightLock® by Tarketts. This innovative wall base is constructed with advanced technology and high-quality materials, ensuring exceptional dimensional stability and a precise fit. With a unique notched design, TightLock® can be easily installed with carpet, saving you time and money. The TightLock® cove base offers a sleek, professional look that enhances any space. Constructed with durability in mind, it is the ideal choice for businesses.



    Tightlock Carpet Specifications:


    Construction: Rubber

    Width: 3 ¼”, 4 ½”, and 6 ½”

    Length: 4’

    Thickness: ¼”

    Pieces Per Carton: 25

    Weight Per Carton: 30 lbs

    Feet per box: 100'

    Installation Methods: Glue

    Recommended Adhesives: Tarkett 960 Adhesive, or Tarkett 946 Premium Contact Adhesive








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    4430 Zimmerman Lane Los Angeles CA